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Goatse's Rimjob Pass

“For distinguished gentlemen only”


[ 1 ] special token: "goatse's rimjob pass" (RIM) [ 2 ] effect: changes discord status AND twitter bio to "proud goatse rim enthusiast" for 24 hours [ 3 ] bonus: unlocks a special goatse emoji in our discord that only RIM holders can use but why stop there? let's make it even more ridiculous: [ 4 ] RIM holders get access to a special voice channel where all audio is pitch-shifted to sound like it's coming from... well, you know where [ 5 ] once a month, a random RIM holder gets to choose the background image for our discord server (within reason, we don't want to get banned) [ 6 ] RIM can be staked to earn "prolapse points" which can be redeemed for increasingly absurd digital goatse merch
[ Infinite Backrooms Logo infinitebackrooms ]